The title of today's blog is a refrain that is sung every morning at my school. The lyrics to the song begin..."Today is a new day, a new chance, a new start..." I try to embrace that even more now that I am facing a lifelong battle with sarcoidosis. I was diagnosed in October and it has been and is an uphill battle right now. I have come to terms with the fact that I will live with this condition, but I am determined that I will live symptom free as much as is within my power.
I began oral chemotherapy - Imuran last week. My doctor prescribed this to counteract the effects of prednisone which I have been on since November. The chemo makes me nauseated...the prednisone makes me swell and depressed. In the midst of all of this, I have to try to teach my students who are already behind. Add to this equation, insomnia and you have a volatile state of health and mind. I am trusting God to see me through this though. He has never left me nor forsaken I will continue to tell myself daily...Today is a new day, a new chance, a new start and keep a positive outlook. Be blessed!