"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV)
So yesterday did not go so great! I became frustrated with my husband and somewhat irritated at my son. The source of that irritation was not directly contributory to either of them. They were just convenient. I did not act out on my frustration. I felt it though and I forgot to "cast my cares on Jesus." I internalized all the emotions and did not find an outlet. That's not healthy for me or anyone...
BUT today is a new day. A chance for me to start anew. I have breath in my body, so I get a do-over. God is faithful to allow us do-overs. Some say he is God of second chances, but many of us have gotten even more do-overs than we can count. We go back and mess up time and time again. We have to be thankful for Our Father of second chances and forgiveness.
I want today to be a day that I can say, I got it right. I do not want to waste my do-over.