
欢迎, Welkom, Bienvenue, Добро пожаловать, Willkommen, Recepción...Welcome to our exploration of education, technology and life in general! I invite you to regroup and recharge as we prepare to face each day. We cannot go back, what's done is done. Let's walk in the revelation that what is to come is better than what's been. I hope and pray that you glean jewels to ponder or take the opportunity to relieve stress by venting...

Friday, November 30, 2007

I am still here...by the Grace of God!

And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee. Psalm 39: 7

Hello to all of my faithful friends! I haven't blogged for a while. Life has been hectic, but I am blessed, better than blessed! I shared a wonderful Thanksgiving break with my family...literally with my family. I was babysitter to no less than five children everyday of my break. I enjoyed every minute of it! I cooked a full breakfast everyday - pancakes, sausage, eggs, grits and I threw in cinnamon toast for fun. I was also responsible for lunch...in the midst of that, I (the youngest of the family) cooked a full Thanksgiving meal on my own. This was a first...I usually contribute a dish or my assistance. I was given the task all alone this year. I am thankful for the ability and health to do it. I am thankful for being tired after my break. I am thankful for a family to be there for...I am thankful for all things - large, small, good and bad. I am thankful for you...Be blessed!

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