
欢迎, Welkom, Bienvenue, Добро пожаловать, Willkommen, Recepción...Welcome to our exploration of education, technology and life in general! I invite you to regroup and recharge as we prepare to face each day. We cannot go back, what's done is done. Let's walk in the revelation that what is to come is better than what's been. I hope and pray that you glean jewels to ponder or take the opportunity to relieve stress by venting...

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

So yesterday did not go so well...

"Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness."

Lamentations 3: 22-23 (NKJV)

No matter what yesterday's challenges were, today is a new day.  It is a day to start over, continue on the right path, change directions or any of the other opportunities we have to correct what we did wrong or what did not go right yesterday. We are granted with new mercies.  

Do not look back...the past is gone! Live and enjoy today.  Be kind to someone...smile or just treat someone to lunch or coffee unexpectedly.  Seems simple huh?  Sometimes the simplest things can turn around the ill effects of yesterday.  God grants us new mercies EVERY DAY! As long as we live, as long as we breathe, we have the opportunity to move in a new direction, change our attitude, help somebody, start a business, go back to school...get the point? Our Father is a God of many chances...take advantage of His grace and mercy today.

The woman at the well took her opportunity...The adulteress took her opportunity and Jesus cleaned the slate with five words "Go and sin no more!"...even Saul became Paul...what are you waiting on? Salvation is waiting on YOU - that is the first order of business! Forgiveness is there, just receive it! Don't forget to forgive yourself while you are at it! Ask God to guide you in the walk He has purposed for your life. Then watch Him bless you! Then watch it manifest in your natural walk...Returning to school - go ahead and register! Business opportunities have your name written all over them! That new job...it's waiting!  Go for it! Go in faith, believing that what God has for you...it is for YOU! Make it a great day, be blessed!

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